
Last week I met a frustrated landlord.  Actually, frustrated doesn't even describe it...she was devastated and downhearted that her tenants had "destroyed" her property.  She realized she wasn't cut out to be a landlord.  She wanted out, and she wanted out NOW.

Because we buy properties in any condition anywhere in Edmonton and area, we were able to make an offer on her house whereby we closed whenever she wanted and she didn't need to clean or make repairs.  This was a huge relief for her.

Had she been selling the conventional way, she would have had to sink about $40000 in to the property for repairs and cleaning.  This also would have meant it would be at least a month before she could even list the property for sale.  Then it would likely take a few months before the property was purchased and ownership changed hands, and all the while she would have carrying costs and no rent to cover those costs.

By selling to QD, she avoided all the hassle, worry, and expense of selling the traditional way.

As we signed the contracts, she said, "I wish I had known about you years ago."

It brings me immense satisfaction to know the service we provide is appreciated.  We look forward to helping many more sellers.  

What about you?


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